Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Salesman

I don't know how it is with others, but there are times when I am working and that is all I have time for. Color, composition, value, contrast, themes and what size canvas I should use are all I care to think about.  During these periods the salesman is dormant. I am not looking for the next place to exhibit or attempting to contact influential persons. I am experiencing my craft and nothing else matters. Of course the day to day demands of modern life must be met but aside from that I am only interested in how to most effectively express myself in a two-dimensional manner. These are really the great times. This is after all the concrete act.

Other times, for whatever reason, I am unable to work at the easel as much as I would like so I attempt to spend my time wisely. I have something that needs selling and that something is myself.  I'm not necessarily looking to find a buyer for a painting. I'm looking for an audience. I'm looking for galleries that might be receptive to my work. I research contemporary painters and see what other people are doing. This depresses me.  I either find successful painters whose work I can't stomach or I see really impressive images that make me envious. Envious of style or technique or unique and thoughtful content.

Still I have these wares I need to hawk. I've put too much time and energy into this thing I call myself to call it quits. What else am I going to do: competitive topiary?

Would I go so far as to take out free ads in major US cities on Craigslist? Advertise myself as a painter searching for his own modern Guggenheim relationship, complete with painting samples and links to a website offering prints of my work? Become frustrated with Craigslist's ability to limit my ad to one city at a time unless I completely rewrite the ad and use different images each time because they're apparently on to me and my desperate plan?

Would I begin writing a blog?

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